
Total Supply 100,000,000,000 VAULT

Contract Address Binance Smart Chain - BEP20: 0x2693BFB95F3B3cf7d3bDfc020328CD6cFA673eb8

Every Buy and Sell transaction is subject to a 5% tax.

  • 2% Rewards Tax

    This will redistribute BUSD to all holders. To see your reflections add the BUSD BSC contract: 0xe9e7cea3dedca5984780bafc599bd69add087d56

  • 1% Marketing and Burn Tax

    This tax will go towards the marketing wallet for future growth of the VaultSale ecosystem. Part of this tax will be used for manual buyback and burn. $VAULT is deflationary. This burned supply will be in a dead wallet, never to be seen again.

  • 2% LP Tax

    This tax will go directly back into the Liquidity Pool to help further strengthen the token and provide stability and growth.

Last updated