Buy a Presale

  • Go to and connect your wallet

  • Filter presale statuses by selecting from "View All" list. You only can buy a presale with 'In progress' status.

  • Choose a presale and click on 'View Presale' button.

  • You can see all related information to selected presale. Please make sure to review all information before proceeding with buying.

  • To buy a presale, insert the amount of BNB that you want to spend in the “Amount” section, then click on 'Buy' button. You can always click on 'Max' button to automatically pre-fill the 'Maximum Buy' amount.

  • Review and confirm transaction in MetaMask.

  • After buying, “Your purchased” sections will update to include your purchased amount in BNB.

  • You can make a single, or multiple purchases until the 'Maximum Buy' amount is reached.

Please not that you can not purchase less then 'Minimum Buy', or more than 'Maximum Buy'

Last updated