Create a Lock

If your token has tokenomics please exclude VaultSale's locker address: 0x78d666b483E8131611dd005595Cea953b8335e8C from fees, rewards, and max tx amount.

Token or LP Token Address

The address of the token or LP token that you would like to lock liquidity for.

Example: My First Token


Amount of tokens that you would like to lock.

Example: 10,000

Lock Until (UTC)

Enter UTC date and time, and your tokens will be locked until this moment.

Example: 17/12/2023, 16:00

Add New Owner

Toggle this button to add a new owner, and enter new owner address.

Unlocked tokens will be sent to this address.

  • Click 'Lock Token' button and confirm transaction in MetaMask.

How to Exclude Locker Address From Fees and Rewards

  1. Access your contract address from BSCScan or you can click on the token address on your launchpad page.

  2. Go to Contract -> Write contract -> Connect to Web3 to connect your wallet

  3. You need to use Owner Address, used to create token.

  4. Click on 'excludeFromFee' and paste launcher address.

  5. Click on 'Write' button and confirm transaction in MetaMask

  6. Click on 'excludeFromReward' and past launcher address.

  7. Click on 'Write' button and confirm transaction in MetaMask

Last updated